Home » 招待講演 » PASPS-23学会の招待講演


第23回 半導体におけるスピン工学の基礎と応用(PASPS-23)にて、Pham准教授と共同研究者のNguyen氏が招待講演、共同研究者の小林氏、D3のKhang君、M2の八尾君、西嶋君、M1の長南君が発表を行いました。

[O-6] Unveiling Origin of Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped Ferromagnetic Semiconductor by Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy
M. Kobayashi, L. D. Anh, P. N. Hai, H. Kiuchi, H. Niwa, J. Miyawaki, Y. Harada, T. Schmitt, A. Fujimori, V. N. Strocov, M. Oshima, and M. Tanaka

[O-9] (Invited) Topological insulator for ultra-low power magnetic memories
Pham Nam Hai, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang, Kenichiro Yao, Takanori Shirokura

[O-13] Field-free ground-state skyrmions in BiSb/MnGa bi-layers at room temperature revealed by topological Hall effect
N. H. D. Khang, T. Fan and P. N. Hai

[O-15] (Invited) High-temperature ferromagnetism in both p-type and n-type Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors
Nguyen Thanh Tu, Pham Nam Hai, Le Duc Anh and Masaaki Tanaka

[O-16] Room-temperature anomalous Hall effect of Fe delta-doped (In,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductor thin films
K. Nishijima, S. Takahashi, M. Tanaka, and P. N. Hai

[P-4] Origin of the giant spin Hall effect in BiSb topological insulator
K. Yao, T. Shirokura, and P. N. Hai

[P-14] 鉄系強磁性半導体を用いたスピンバイポーラトランジスタの作製と評価
長南 光貴,荒川 雄斗,田中 雅明,ファム ナム ハイ

