[14p-P10-12] Electrical properties of Bi1-xSbx spin Hall thin films grown on GaAs(111)A substrates
〇八尾 健一郎、植田 裕吾、ゲィン フン ユイ カン、ファム ナム ハイ
[14p-P10-84] Spin valve effect in Si-based spin valve devices with a nano-scale Si channel
〇Duong Dinhhiep、Tanaka Masaaki、Pham Namhai
[14p-P10-87] Growth and characterization of MnGa thin films on BiSb topological insulator
〇Khang Nguyen HuynhDuy、Hai Pham Nam
[15a-501-1] Bias and temperature dependence of giant magnetoresistance in (In,Fe)As/(Ga,Fe)Sb spin diode
〇大塚 友絢、荒川 雄斗、西嶋 健人、田中 雅明、ファム ナムハイ
[15a-501-2] High-temperature ferromagnetism in a new n-type Fe-doped ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb
〇Nguyen Tu Thanh、Pham Nam Hai、Le Duc Anh、Tanaka Masaaki
E42.00008: Observation of large spin splitting in the conduction band of n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)As
Le Duc Anh , Pham Nam Hai , Masaaki Tanaka