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Growth and evaluation of highly textured BiSb(001) topological insulator on Si/SiOx
〇L. Wentao, H. H. Huy, S. Takahashi, Y. Hirayama, Y. Kato, P. N. Hai

Spin Hall effect in annealed BiSb topological thin films deposited on Si/SiOx substrates
〇H. H. Huy, L. Wentao, S. Takahashi, Y. Hirayama, Y. Kato, P. N. Hai



[MO-B4-04] Very high Curie temperature (530 K) in (Ga,Fe)Sb ferromagnetic semiconductor grown by step-flow mode on vicinal GaAs substrates
〇Pham Nam Hai, Ken Takabayashi, Kota Ejiri, Masaaki Tanaka



[J-4-04] New method for suppression of magnetic domain wall shift error in 3D magnetic domain-wall memory.
〇 Pham Nam Hai, Takanori Shirokura, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang


ベトナムのQuang Binh市で開催されているThe 5th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA2024) にPham教授、共同研究者の田中雅明教授、M1の江尻君が下記の発表を行いました。

[Invited] [SSp-I13] Pham Nam Hai, “Topological materials for advanced magnetic memory and sensor”

[Keynote] Masaaki Tanaka, Kosuke Takiguchi, Nguyen Thanh Tu, Le Duc Anh, Pham Nam Hai, “A new class of Fe-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperature and their quantum heterostructures” 

[Oral] [TMh-O1] Kota Ejiri, Yota Endo, Kenta Takabayashi, Masaaki Tanaka, Pham Nam Hai, “Detection of Fe-induced impurity band in Bi-doped (InFe)(SbBi) ferromagnetic semiconductor using infrared magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy”

The 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024)で発表

博士課程のZhang君がイタリアのボローニャで開催されていたThe 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024)で下記の発表を行いました。

“High spin Hall angle in heterostructures of BiSb topological insulator and perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers with metallic interfacial layers”.




[22a-12K-4] High spin Hall performance in YPtBi topological semimetal and perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB junctions
〇Reo Yamamoto, Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai

[22a-12K-5] High spin Hall angle in BiSb topological insulator and perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers with metallic interfacial layers
〇Ruixian Zhang, Hoang Huy Ho, Takanori Shirokura, Nam Hai Pham, Quang Le, Brian R. York, Cherngye Hwang, Xiaoyong Liu, Xiaoyu Xu, Son Le, Michael Gribelyuk, Hisashi Takano, Maki Maeda, Fan Tuo, Yu Tao

[24a-71B-5] Observation of impurity band in (InFe)(SbBi) ferromagnetic semiconductor using infrared magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
〇Kota Ejiri, Yota Endo, Kenta Takabayasi, Masaaki Tanaka, Pham Nam Hai

[24p-P05-34] トポロジカル絶縁体BiSbのテラヘルツ分光特性
〇西山 黎、ファムナム ハイ、橋谷田俊、河野 行雄

[25p-71B-3] Giant spin Hall effect in sputtered topological semimetal YPtBi films grown at low temperature
〇Takanori Shirokura, Nam Hai Pham


M2の長田君がThe 27th Symposium on the Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors (PASPS-27)において、下記の発表を行いました。本発表はPeter Grünberg Institute (PGI-9), Forschungszentrum Jülichとの共同研究の成果です。

[P-34] Growth and evaluation of BiSb topological insulator ultrathin films on Si(111) substrates for superconductor/2D-TI topological quantum bits
Y. Osada, M. Vaßen-Carl, A. R. Jalil, P. Schüffelgen, P. N. Hai



[20a-C501-8] Very high Curie temperature (530 K) in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb grown on vicinal GaAs(001) substrates
〇Kenta Takabayashi, Masaaki Tanaka, Pham Nam Hai

[20p-C501-8] Robust spin Hall effect in non-stoichiometric topological semimetal YPtBi thin films
〇Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai

[20p-C501-9] Annealing temperature effects on spin orbit torque in YPtBi topological semimetal and perpendicularly magnetized Co/Pt multilayers
〇Sho Kagami, Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai

[20p-C501-10] Integration of BiSb topological insulator and CoFeB/MgO with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy using an oxide interfacial layer for ultralow power SOT-MRAM cache memory
〇HOANGHUY HO, R. Zhang, T. Shirokura, S. Takahashi, Y. Hirayama, Nam Hai Pham

[21p-C501-18] Suppression of magnetic domain wall shift error in 3D racetrack memory
〇Namhai Pham, Takanori Shirokura, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang



[B-3-04 (Late News)] Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb with Very High Curie Temperature (530 K) Grown on Vicinal GaAs(001) Substrates
○Kenta Takabayashi, Masaaki Tanaka, Pham Nam Hai

[B-4-03] Annealing temperature effects on spin orbit torque in YPtBi topological semimetal and Co/Pt perpendicular magnetization multilayers
○Sho Kagami, Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai



[AOB-08] Zhang Ruixian, Takanori Shirokura, Tuo Fan, Pham Nam Hai. “Fabrication and evaluation of fully sputtered topological insulator/perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO multilayers for SOT-MRAM application”

[AOC-02] Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai. “Generalized angle resolved second harmonic method for precise evaluation of spin orbit torque in strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy system”

[OOB-02] Ho Hoang Huy, Zhang Ruixian, Takanori Shirokura, Shigeki Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Hirayama, Pham Nam Hai. “Integration of BiSb topological insulator and CoFeB/MgO with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy using an oxide interfacial layer for ultralow power spin-orbit torque magnetic memory”

[COC-03] Iriya Muneta, Takanori Shirokura, Pham Nam Hai, Kuniyuki Kakushima, Kazuo Tsutsui, Hitoshi Wakabayashi. “Ferromagnetism modulation by ultralow current in a two-dimensional polycrystalline molybdenum disulfide atomic layered structure”